Cydcor Summer Internship Program 2015

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Cydcor, the leading provider of professional in-person sales teams, provided a select group of students the opportunity of a lifetime: an internship program at Cydcor’s offices in Agoura Hills, CA. Each year, the company provides gifted students with the prospect of building business experience in a real-world corporate setting. Their assignments are designed to match their current interests or studies, such as event planning, finance, or marketing. The interns receive special training and are expected to accomplish real work in their departments. Cydcor is proud to provide this opportunity each year, and help these talented students craft a vision for their professional life after college.
Cydcor’s Summer 2015 interns provided the following feedback on their experience working at our offices in Agoura Hills, CA:
People here at Cydcor are very welcoming and help interns experience the real business world by treating them as an employee who belongs to their team. In several projects that I worked on, I had the freedom to use my own methodology. For example, when Crystal Fernandez assigned me new tasks, I had the freedom to use the approach I was most comfortable with. One of the best things of working at Cydcor this summer was the opportunity to attend Lunch and Learn. It provides interns the opportunity to explore different departments within the company, and to understand the culture of the company.
What role did you have as an intern, and what was your primary project?
I worked as a business development analyst. My main role within this internship was to provide effective and accurate market research because we are looking for future opportunities to expand our business. Furthermore, this position provided insight into consulting jobs since I was assigned to work on several issues within the department.
How would you describe Cydcor’s company culture?
Cydcor has a unique culture because its main objective is to enhance employees’ productivity by providing them a happy, relaxed, and professional environment. Companies are always concerned about their dress code and professionalism, but what is different about Cydcor is that we perceive results from internal sources rather than external ones. What I mean is that Cydcor’s dress code is less strict than those in other corporations because their main goal is to make an employee feel at home and happy. And when you have happy employees, you get better productivity, efficiency, and good results.
What experiences and new skills gained were most valuable?
After working for Cydcor, I was able to nurture my skills regarding market research analysis, executive decisions, and teamwork experience. Yet, the most valuable skill I gained was time management. My supervisor Crystal Fernandez helped me develop organizational and planning skills because she wanted me to always plan my activities following a schedule, which I feel is a great asset since it enhances one’s output.
What would you say to other students considering an internship at Cydcor?
If you are someone who puts the time, effort, and passion to learn new things, then Cydcor is the right place for you to learn. This company not only gives you the opportunity to express your ideas, but your idea can potentially become one that the executive board could implement. How great would it be for student to have your idea implemented by a company? If you want to contribute to a company’s change and structure come and join Cydcor.
Julian G.
My journey at Cydcor has been very unique. From the moment I had my first interview, I knew this is where I wanted to spend my summer. Everyone was extremely friendly and humble, and they even told me they would provide me with mentorship and free lunch. What more could a student ask for?
What experiences and new skills gained were most valuable?
Cydcor’s program has been both fascinating and challenging. They not only provided me with interesting tasks, but they were also very challenging. It allowed me to learn every day, developing skills in Excel and Business Intelligence, a software application used to analyze an organization’s financial data.
What would you say to other students considering an internship at Cydcor?
I highly recommend interning at Cydcor because I believe that the things I have learned during the internship will give me a competitive advantage when recruiting next year for a full time job.
There were many things I enjoyed this summer at Cydcor: the working environment, company culture, the mentorship program, and the Lunch and Learn workshops. And the coolest CEO!
What role did you have as an intern, and what was your primary project?
I worked in the accounting department, mostly providing support. I also worked on several projects, including profitability analysis, invoice reconciliation, invoice recording, bank statement reconciliation, and client financial statement analysis.
How would you describe Cydcor’s company culture?
Company culture is my favorite thing about Cydcor. Personally, I think instead of being a corporate company, Cydcor is more like a big family. Everybody is so close to each other and overall it is a great place to work, learn, and grow.
Tina H.
The working environment is collaborative and energetic. I got to learn about what different departments do and how the entire company functions. The people here are friendly and always willing to help.
What role did you have as an intern, and what was your primary project?
I was working for compliance and quality assurance. My primary projects were audit projects to ensure we have quality sales.
How would you describe Cydcor’s company culture?
Cydcor’s company culture is very friendly and collaborative.
What experiences and new skills gained were most valuable?
I really enjoyed the intern project I worked on with all the other interns. I think it’s challenging and helped me improve my problem solving and team work skills. Being in an office and working on real life tasks also helped me learn about how I should act in a business setting.
What would you say to other students considering an internship at Cydcor?
It’ll be a fun learning experience. Don’t miss out.
Miguel B.
What role did you have as an intern, and what was your primary project?
My role as an intern was to help out HR and Learning and Development with the open enrollment presentation and the new hire surveys.
How would you describe Cydcor’s company culture?
Based off my personal experience, I would describe Cydcor’s culture as motivating, enthusiastic, positive and joyful.
What experiences and new skills gained were most valuable?
I think the graphic design and video-editing skills I developed was the greatest thing I took away from this experience.
What would you say to other students considering an internship at Cydcor?
I would tell them how great of an experience I’ve had and how much I’ve learned over the course of 10 weeks.
Sam C.
The office has a pool table, Ping-Pong, a lot of free food, and a gym. I have friends that spent their summers getting coffee, making copies, or refreshing their emails. I also think that having other interns my age and sharing a group project was great for my overall experience. I am also working in the newest department at Cydcor so there isn’t really a “protocol” on how to do things, so in my projects I was given a lot of freedom.
What role did you have as an intern, and what was your primary project?
I worked on a digital resource center that the field can use with all of their sales and to make their training more efficient. I also was one of six interns working on the internship project. For the project, we came up with specific recommendations to improve the company and presented our findings to the executive team.
How would you describe Cydcor’s company culture?
It’s welcoming. I think that the people around me reached out at all times and I never felt like a burden, but that people genuinely want to help. I feel as though I know many different people in this big office from all different departments. The atmosphere can be fun and relaxed, but also motivated and focused on the work that needs to be done.
What experiences and new skills gained were most valuable?
I think just being in a real world environment is the thing I will take away the most from this summer. I would also say that working with other people to solve problems has been a skill I have acquired or improved this summer.
What would you say to other students considering an internship at Cydcor?
I would say be prepared to meet a lot of great people and that it is a fun time. I would say that you are going to work hard, but the work is meaningful and it is for people you like and respect.
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