3 Reasons to Develop a More Successful Mindset

Why do some people achieve massive career success, while others remain stagnant or struggle to hold down a job?
The answer is simple: mindset.
The most successful people are those who have the mental fortitude and self-awareness to do whatever it takes to achieve success. They define success not just by how much they earn or what title they hold, but by how much they have learned, grown, and accomplished. Unsuccessful people, however, do the opposite. Let’s take a look at three typical mindsets that hold people back from reaching their career goals.
A victim mentality is one way to guarantee that you won’t reach your full potential. People with this mindset underestimate the extent to which their own attitudes and behaviors influence their career paths. Share on X“Woe is me”
A victim mentality is one way to guarantee that you won’t reach your full potential. People with this mindset underestimate the extent to which their own attitudes and behaviors influence their career paths.
Signs you might be making this mistake:
● You don’t understand why you haven’t been promoted or given the same opportunities as others.
● You think that your coworkers somehow have an unfair advantage and that you’ve been given the short end of the stick.
● You worry that your boss doesn’t like you — and you have no idea why.
“Victims” often think they’re unfairly treated. Rather than self-reflecting and taking responsibility for the things that don’t go their way, they tend to assign blame to others or attribute their failures to ‘uncontrollable’ circumstances. The problem with this attitude is that it’s difficult to grow professionally without connecting the dots between your own actions and results. If you don’t believe that you have the ability to shape your career, you won’t make the effort to grow and improve.
“The requirements are unreasonable”
Unsuccessful people are experts at self-imposed limits. They pre-determine what efforts are “reasonable,” and then carefully navigate to avoid doing more than what’s minimally required.
Signs you might be making this mistake:
● You have a certain number of hours in your mind of how much you “should” be working each day or each week.
● You’ve noticed colleagues coming into the office early, staying late, or working on weekends and you’ve thought to yourself, “I better not be expected to do that too.”
● You constantly compare your work hours or job responsibilities to those of your friends and family.
Typically, people with this mentality don’t possess a realistic understanding of what it takes advance their career in their chosen profession or industry. In turn, they either limit their efforts, or feel resentful about working hard. This ensures that all they will ever be is average — at best. Note that this mindset is the evil cousin of “woe is me.” Unsuccessful people fail to realize that the success of their colleagues isn’t a coincidence but a direct consequence of their willingness to go above and beyond to get the job done. In any career, you get out what you put in.
People who fall into the ‘grass is greener trap’ often become serial job-hoppers because they find themselves in constant pursuit of the “perfect” job… which of course, does not exist. Share on X“The grass is greener”
This career-killing mentality is by far the most common one. So many are in constant pursuit of a job that will, overnight, land them more money, more prestige, or an ‘easier’ lifestyle. They are quick to abandon a promising job opportunity in favor of fewer hours, a ‘better’ boss, a lighter workload, or a shorter commute, often staying focused on short-term, rather than long-term gain.
Signs you might be making this mistake:
● You find yourself regularly looking for new opportunities and thinking about an exit strategy.
● You’re concerned that your current career choice is more demanding than those of your friends and family.
● Starting over sounds more appealing to you than conquering the challenge right in front of you.
People who fall into the ‘grass is greener trap’ often become serial job-hoppers because they find themselves in constant pursuit of the “perfect” job… which of course, does not exist. They fail to realize that all jobs have their pros and cons — and furthermore, that anything worth doing is going to be difficult. Unsuccessful people overlook the important fact that the commitment to seeing something through is usually what separates success from failure. Always starting over, they miss out on the long-term impact of their work because they never give anything long enough of a chance to see results.
In the ‘grass is greener’ camp, there are also those who stick around — but with one foot out the door. They always have their eye out for something better that might come along. Since they are not fully committed, they never give 100% to their current role, and consequently sabotage their potential to become great.
The good news is that if any of these career-killing mindsets hits home for you, it’s never too late to make a change. Adopting a more successful mindset all starts with looking in the mirror and recognizing that you are the one in control of your own future.
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We are Cydcor, the recognized leader in outsourced sales and marketing services located in Agoura Hills, California. From our humble beginnings as an independent sales company to garnering a reputation for consistently exceeding client expectations and driving outstanding revenue growth, Cydcor has been helping Fortune 500 and emerging companies achieve their customer acquisition, retention, and business goals since 1994. Cydcor takes pride in the unique combination of in-person sales, call center, and digital marketing services we offer to provide our clients with proven sales and marketing strategies that get results.