Recycling Trash Into Smiles
Recycling Trash Into Smiles!

We know little things can add up to a big difference. In continuing our fundraising work for Operation Smile, we have been collecting recyclables and donating the proceeds!
We placed recycling containers designated especially for Operation Smile fundraising around the office. Once they are filled, a Cydcor team member volunteer brings the items to the recycling center to collect the refund.
We have already raised enough for one Smile (each one is $240) and are well on our way to another – our current tally is almost $380!
Since partnering with Operation Smile in 2010, Cydcor and volunteers from its network of independently-owned sales companies have raised enough to fund two medical missions, and are well on the way to a third! The missions take place in areas of the world with limited medical care; a team of professionals provide cleft palate surgeries to those who would have no way of obtaining the surgery otherwise.
We’re really excited about each and every dollar we are able to raise and contribute. Operation Smile is our passion. Recycling is so easy to do and can really add up – and make a difference.
Cydcor is happy and proud of its efforts to give back to the communities that support our business. You can donate to the Cydcor Operation Smile page today and make a difference in a child’s life.