September 16, 2014

Cydcor Reviews ‘Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn’

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Here is Cydcor’s review of Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn By John C. Maxwell.

About Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn: This book looks to tackle the universal fear of failure. Whether big mistakes or small missteps, author John C. Maxwell takes you through how to learn from experience and apply that insight into the future.

Why Cydcor recommends it to future leaders: When we hear about books on leadership, most of the time, we think about big companies, CEOs, and entrepreneurs. However, Sometimes you Win, Sometimes You Learn deals more with the topic of losses, as that is an experience that goes across all cultures and types of people.

Author John C. Maxwell shares personal experiences about his own losses and their consequences in his own life: financial, emotional and professional. He uses these as examples that can also point towards the lessons learned.

The main point the book tries to convey is that it doesn’t matter if you’re in a position of leadership or if you believe you’re a leader or not. If you’re a student, worker, parent or just someone who is willing to take action and start learning in every situation, good or bad, this book is for you.

Our favorite part: Overall, the best parts of the book are the incredibly helpful and practical frameworks Maxwell provides the reader, offering solutions that everyone can apply to their unique situation. The best part of the content is that one can learn from the stories in the book and see how someone can take a negative situation and launch it into a power opportunity for success.

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