Cydcor Reviews ‘The 24-Hour Customer’
About The 24-Hour Customer: New Rules for Winning in a Time-Starved, Always-Connected Economy
The 24-Hour Customer argues that corporations need to pay more attention and strategize around the customer’s time and attention in the world today. Customers live in a world where time is tough to come by. Author Adrian Ott explores why customers can devour hours to social networks, but still feel they have no time to get things done. The book is filled with many case studies, including lessons from Amazon, and gives great tips on making the most of the time a company can hold a customer’s attention.
Why Cydcor recommends this to Future Leaders:
As the world continues to evolve, so does our time to do things that we love. Consumers are thrown brand new information on an hourly basis, and don’t have the patience to wait on anything that’s slowing them down. Ott offers a great amount of insights and recommendations to make an impact on consumers in our world today.
Our favorite part:
Adrian Ott has written an amazing guide that is efficient and cuts right to the chase of why time matters. She is one of the most sough-after strategists in Silicon Valley, and this book validates that prestigious standing. The book includes in-depth research and detailed findings that demonstrate how time has increasingly become valuable to consumers and has had a large effect on why consumers make the decisions they do. Our favorite part has got to be the great case studies, the standouts being Netflix and FreshDirect.
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