Cydcor Operation Smile Garage Sale Funds Two More Surgeries!
Garage Sale Funds Two More Surgeries!
A big thank-you to our team members who volunteered to come out last Saturday for our MEGA Garage sale to raise money for Operation Smile. We raised over $600, which is enough to help two children have a better life by restoring their smile.
The sale took place on Saturday, September 7th from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Earth Elementary School’s basketball courts. Gently used items were donated by Cydcor team members just days before the sale.
Team members that donated items were also eligible for raffle tickets to win a lunch with our CEO, Gary Polson. Volunteers who helped us set up and take down the sale got five tickets! Congratulations to our winner, Miriam Caballero, who also received recognition this week from our Joy Germ Club for spreading the most smiles around the office.
The Cydcor home office has now reached our overall goal of raising $30,000 for Operation Smile. In addition to the sale, we organized a snack bar, wine tasting, movie nights, a karaoke event and more. The $30,000 is part of an overall company goal to fund a $150,000 medical trip overseas. This is the second year in a row that Cydcor has been able to raise over $150,000 for Operation Smile