Tag: business

December 4, 2015

Utilize Body Language to Improve Your Professional Performance

Becoming fluent in body language empowers you to make a lasting impression on colleagues and supervisors Your conversation begins when you enter the room—before you begin to speak. Your body expresses your moods and, depending on your awareness of how your body talks, you will communicate confidence or fear. Fortunately for you, it’s possible to learn to communicate confidence nonverbally. Practice makes perfect. Strategies for controlling nonverbal communication are easy to learn and fun to practice. Don’t be afraid to […]

November 20, 2015

10 Terrific TED Talks to Improve Your Sales and Business Skills

TED Talks will improve your understanding of a complex concept or help you to master new skills. Humor, imagination, and authentic emotion energize these talks and guarantee your engagement. TED wants to change your life. It’s that simple. This popular nonprofit was launched in 1984 as a conference exploring the convergence of Technology, Entertainment, and Design (TED). TED Talks offer viewers a glimpse into the workings of some of the leading minds in the world today. The problem with such […]

November 13, 2015

How to Recognize a Good Opportunity

You might not recognize opportunity when you find it: there are no sirens or flashing lights. No one is going to take you by the hand and lead you to it. As an adult engaged in your career, you’re responsible for finding and accepting any and all of the opportunities that you encounter. Recognizing opportunity isn’t a magical talent that requires an expensive education—you can build the necessary skills, though it will take effort and education. You must commit to […]

November 6, 2015

Use Design Thinking to Increase Collaboration and Craft Creative Solutions

Design thinking builds a creative mindset that improves problem-solving skills and deepens communication and understanding between team members As creatures of habit, we develop routine ways of completing tasks. After time has passed, a once efficient routine can sometimes become a relentless rut. Transition from routine to rut is gradual and sometimes we fail to notice when it happens until we’re stuck in an unproductive loop without recognizing our situation. A rut leads nowhere. It’s cramped, uncomfortable, and even though […]

October 29, 2015

10 Qualities of a Great Salesperson

Don’t forget to follow Cydcor’s channel on YouTube for our latest company videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/Cydcor Some people believe that a great salesperson is born, not made: that the ability to close a sale is a gift that one must be blessed with at birth. Well, those people are wrong. Certain people might have an outgoing personality that gives them a bit of an advantage when it comes to networking or closing a deal but the true qualities of a great salesperson aren’t […]

October 23, 2015

Developing an Entrepreneurial Spirit

“Most people live and die with their music still unplayed. They never dare to try.” – Mary Kay Ash, Sales Leader and Founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics Initially, an entrepreneur was a confident man or woman with a deep vision of business. They were convinced that their idea was going to be the solution thousands of customers needed. That’s still a valid definition of the word today or, at least, up to a point. You know this type of entrepreneur […]

October 16, 2015

How to Work Well Under Pressure

We reward Olympic athletes with gold medals for setting records. We value the person who is able to compete and win on their own terms. But athletes don’t win races on their own: these exceptional people train every day and work with coaches who teach them how to perform under pressure. Think of yourself as an athlete in your own life. When you’re entering a time of increased pressure you need to continue to train. You also need to share […]

October 8, 2015

5 Ways to Create an Optimistic Attitude

Learn more about Cydcor by connecting to us on LinkedIn! https://www.linkedin.com/company/cydcor Every morning as you prepare for the day you face a simple choice: how are you going to accept the big and the small obstacles that you encounter during the day? Will you let these challenges become impossible obstacles or will you think like an optimist and turn them into opportunities? Optimism is the tool you need, and the good news is that it can be developed. To engage your […]

October 2, 2015

Cydcor Reviews Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World

About Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World by General Stanley McChrystal General Stanley McChrystal ran into a dilemma when he took command of the Joint Special Operations Task Force in 2004. McChrystal and his colleagues wanted to go against conventional ideas and remake the Task Force into something new: a network that combined transparent communication with decision-making authority that wasn’t just coming from one place. This book is not just focused on the military, but […]

September 28, 2015

Building & Maintaining Customer Relationships

Cydcor is dedicated to helping business professionals take the next step in their careers. For additional blogs regarding business, leadership, and sales advice, head over to Cydcor-Offices.com. Sales professionals have a natural impulse to focus attention on developing new customer relationships in order to land new accounts. It’s a good impulse, but it’s one that you need to manage in order to maintain existing customer relationships. At Cydcor, we’re interested in pursuing new opportunities, but we also understand that you can’t forget […]