Tag: Cydcor Community

January 31, 2014

5 Sales Plays You Can Make Today

Cydcor Sales Plays

The big game is this weekend, and the competitive of sports has a lot of parallels with sales.  Succeeding in both sports and sales requires strategy, winning, rewards and competing.  Whether you are looking for a career or another client, using your football fandom can help give you an edge that will help you achieve your goals.  The Cydcor team shares its favorite sales plays to attracting clients and building relationships. The Ice Breaker.  Seek out new prospects with a […]

December 10, 2013

Tips for A Holiday Office Party

cydcor holiday

Tips for A Holiday Office Party Team member happiness and engagement is a priority at Cydcor (have you seen our Cydcor Harlem Shake video?).  As office party experts, we wanted to share some tips to make your office party a success.  Planning a holiday office party doesn’t have to be stressful. These suggestions could make your holiday party one of the best ever! Have food that everyone can enjoy. It can’t all be sweets. Have food that can accommodate all […]

October 30, 2013

Check Out Cydcor Sites!

Check Out Our Great Sites! At Cydcor, we want to stay connected with our stakeholders and promote the company culture that has made us one of Los Angeles County’s Best Places to Work.  That’s why we’ve decided to make sure we provide a rich digital landscape for our team and network to see what we’re up to and any advice we can offer for success in the sales industry.  We encourage you to like, share and comment on things such […]

January 15, 2013
May 3, 2012

Great Leaders Make Tough Choices

Listening to a book on tape recently reminded me of George Washington’s great vision, leadership, and sacrifice. Every time I learn about Washington, I appreciate his leadership and ability to balance short- and long-term goals. He held true to his vision for our country, which focused on representative government, civil liberties, religious freedom, and each person being able to control his or her own destiny. The biggest obstacle to achieving this vision was King George III and British dominance over […]

April 16, 2012
March 28, 2012
March 26, 2012

Cydcor’s Gardening Event at EARTHS Magnet School a Smashing Success

This past Saturday, Cydcor team members, along with the principal and teacher from EARTHS Magnet School, celebrated spring by participating in the school’s first gardening day! During the course of the day, the group pulled weeds, helped design and work on a butterfly garden, trimmed trees, and cleaned and completed other garden areas on campus. Cydcor has been working with the school for many months, tutoring children, providing meals for families over the holiday season, and creating a “giving tree” […]

November 28, 2011

Cydcor Team Members Make a Difference

Team members at Cydcor recently came together and collected food for the company’s Thanksgiving canned food drive, which supported a local elementary school – and helped 100 families enjoy their Thanksgiving dinner. Cydcor donated 200 cans of green beans and 100 cans of corn and cranberries. They also donated 100 boxes of stuffing, 100 bags of potatoes, and 100 bags of homemade cookies – and provided a $15 gift card for each family to pick up a fresh turkey from […]

October 20, 2011

Facing Sales Growth

As marketing executives focus efforts on the Internet, mobile devices, and other digital avenues to reach or expand their customer base, it becomes easy to overlook one of the oldest forms of outreach to spur business growth – and that is face-to-face sales. Even though face-to-face sales as part of the marketing mix has been successful for many businesses, the approach is often low on the list due to budget concerns and time constraints. It is difficult for businesses to […]