Tag: Cydcor Offices

May 30, 2011

“The Brady 6”: A Story of Determination, Dedication and Drive

My wife and daughter recently watched the ESPN special, The Brady 6, about the events leading up to and after the selection of Tom Brady in 2000 as the New England Patriot’s seventh quarterback. I was somewhat surprised that they would watch a one-hour football show but then realized it told an inspiring story that could appeal to everyone. I highly recommend this documentary, which chronicles Brady’s rise to the top from humble beginnings—the story of someone who became great through […]

May 26, 2011

Character of a Leader

I recently spoke with someone who just opened his business but has lost his confidence. He feels that his people do not respect him because of mistakes he has made and because he no longer believes in himself. He asked me: “Have you ever been in a situation in which you’ve lost all confidence and question whether you’re doing the right thing?” “Have you been in a situation in which your people don’t look up to you anymore? If so, […]

Cydcor’s Casino Night Raises Money for Operation Smile

One step closer to $150,000 goal! It was a night filled with excitement, energy, and competition as more than 50 Cydcor team members, families, and friends participated in a “Casino Night” to raise money for Operation Smile. During the event, they enjoyed a poker and blackjack tournament, costume contest, and raffle prizes. Cydcor team members have been raising funds for Operation Smile over the past several months with an overall goal of raising $150,000 to fund a medical mission to […]

May 19, 2011

Leadership Fundamentals

When things are not going as well as we have planned, we should remember what Jack Welch said in his book, Winning: “Whatever you will accomplish is restricted by your ability to lead others.” We measure our success by the effectiveness of our leadership, which takes hard work and skillful practice of the fundamentals. Exude the right energy; teams take their cue from you. Your team feeds off your energy, so demonstrate confidence, enthusiasm, passion and vision in everything you […]

May 12, 2011

Skills for Success

When I entered the workforce, I sought experiences that would teach me vital skills for the future and build my confidence. Although many of my peers wanted to find jobs at companies that would carry them to retirement, I wanted to rely on myself and become a successful entrepreneur. During the first ten years of my career, I focused on honing the skills that would make me a successful business owner. Ultimately, I learned that I needed to excel at […]

April 26, 2011

Follow-Through: A Building Block of Success

Do what you say you are going to do, when you say you will do it. Following through on your commitments demonstrates integrity, builds credibility and earns people’s trust. Follow-through is one of the building blocks of success. Conversely, you cannot respect or count on those who do not meet their commitments. They are not the ones with whom we will have lasting relationships, nor are they the ones we think of first when there is opportunity. We should make […]

April 25, 2011

On Track to Raise $150,000 for Operation Smile

The combined efforts of Cydcor along with our network of independent sales companies continue to make progress toward achieving our total fundraising goal for Operation Smile. With just a little over $30,000 left to raise, we’re on track to reach our $150,000 target. Cydcor team members have led the charge, raising significant funds for this worthy medical mission through successful, high-energy charity events. Their passionate commitment shows no signs of slowing down and is ramping up for the upcoming casino […]

2011 Ventura Corporate Games

Cydcor team members not only work hard, but also play hard, as recent victories at the 22nd annual Ventura Corporate Games prove. Team Cydcor has proven to be a fierce competitor, bringing home the gold in indoor volleyball and the silver in basketball. Participating in its third year, Cydcor is among 62 companies from Ventura and Santa Barbara counties, competing in a series of sporting events. Cydcor looks forward to this annual battle of athletic skill and is competing in […]

April 19, 2011

Booker T. Washington’s Grace and Determination an Inspiration

April 5 recently marked the birthday of Booker T. Washington, acclaimed African-American educator, author, political leader and civil rights pioneer. On this day, I’m reminded of his inspirational 1901 autobiography, Up From Slavery, in which he recounts his rise from early adversity to success later in life, driven by his commitment to a singular goal: getting an education. Born into slavery in 1856, Washington spent his early years after the Emancipation in poverty working in the salt furnaces and coal […]

February 22, 2011

Habit 7 – Sharpen The Saw – Is All About You

Spring is a season of renewal and growth—and with that season nearly upon us – now is a perfect setting in which to reflect on our progress during the first few months of the New Year: how we’re tracking on our personal and professional goals, commitments and development plans. At this timely moment, we’ve reached Covey’s seventh habit of effectiveness, “Sharpen the Saw.” In the spirit of reflection, it seems fitting to consider this final habit in the context of all […]