Tag: Cydcor Offices

August 16, 2010

Cydcor Named San Fernando Valley’s 2010 ‘Best Places to Work’ for Third Year

We’re so happy to announce that we’ve made San Fernando Valley’s ‘Best Places to Work’ for the third year in a row. Cydcor was specifically recognized for a supportive work environment and culture, volunteer opportunities, quality and commitment of management, and benefits. The Business Journal and Best Companies Group worked together to identify and recognize area companies with a strong commitment to workplace excellence. Both publicly and privately held organizations were selected based on benefits, corporate philanthropy, policies, work-life balance, […]

August 6, 2010

Getting to know Gary Polson

The San Fernando Valley Business Journal recently sat down with our very own Gary Polson to discuss his role as CEO of Cydcor for nearly a decade now, what he thinks has contributed to Cydcor’s success as one of the best sales outsourcing companies in the world and what opportunities he sees in growing Cydcor. Read the full interview with Gary Polson here.

July 26, 2010

Cydcor launches Cydcor Cares program in Southern California

We kicked off our Cydcor Cares program at the Boys and Girls Club in Thousand Oaks, California this month. The event was designed to help kids become more interested in reading. Cydcor office team members dressed up as their favorite fictional characters and read to children in kindergarten through fourth grade. The Bookaneer, a local used bookstore in Thousand Oaks,  donated dozens of children’s fiction titles to help support the event. Owner, Tracy Benedict, was thrilled with the results and  thanked Cydcor for making it […]

July 13, 2010

Giving Milestone – 500 People Making a Difference

Cydcor is proud that its Neighborhood Leader Program has reached significant milestones. To date, more than 500 team members from the various independent Cydcor offices throughout the United States and Canada have dedicated almost 300 hours to their local communities through charity and volunteer work – helping more than 28 organizations. Organizations helped in various local communities through the Neighborhood Leader Program include the Lupus Alliance of America, Feed the Children, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Make-a-Wish, Special Olympics, Habitat for […]

June 14, 2010

Wooden – A Lifetime of Observations and Reflections On and Off the Court

Coach Wooden is one of the great men of modern time who exemplified the balance of family, success and contribution. If you read any Coach Wooden book, this is the one I recommend. This easy-to-read book begins at his foundation: family, values and virtues and then discusses and offers wisdom on the topics of success, achievement, competition and leadership. I’ve pulled some of my favorite quotes from the book to share with you: “Being a role model is the most […]

June 7, 2010

Coach Wooden

Coach Wooden was voted by sports writers as the greatest coach of any sport in the 20th century. His UCLA teams won 10 national championships, by far the most ever. But it was not these successes alone that made his such an amazing man. It was his values- what he stood for: The Importance of Marriage and Family, Integrity and Character, Sacrifice and Teamwork. Preparation, Preparation and Preparation. Focus on the Effort, not the Results.

May 28, 2010

Cydcor Cares

We’re expanding our community outreach efforts through a new program called “Cydcor Cares”. Through this program our team members will volunteer and donate time to local organizations, such as food kitchens, literacy programs at public libraries, and “adopt” elementary schools, providing services such as tutoring, reading, music, and drama/coaching. Cydcor’s team members can also volunteer their expertise to business building programs in the community, such as interviewing, resume building, and career coaching. We think it’s because of programs like this […]

May 18, 2010

Cydcor Sales Teams Expand Retail Focus

We just announced our expansion into the retail industry. Cydcor will now be providing full service, seasonal support and niche product in-store marketing services. After engaging with Cydcor, territory management teams and retail product experts collaborate with client staff to identify objectives and expectations, and then create and implement scalable, custom programs that translate customer engagement and service into sales. Click here to read more about this announcement. Join our team!  Cydcor is recruiting talented salespeople to support new in-store […]

April 26, 2010

Making Mistakes

Making mistakes is all part of doing business.  Just ask Louis B. Mayer and Frank Capra. Mayer, who built one of the greatest Hollywood studios ever – Metro-Goldwyn Mayer (MGM) – turned down Walt Disney when the young, struggling Walt came to him with an idea of making a movie about a mouse.  Mayer said women were afraid of mice, and that no one would ever pay money to see a film about them. Frank Capra, the legendary movie director […]