Tag: Cydcor Sales

May 13, 2015

How to Accept Feedback

Welcome to the Cydcor WordPress blog! Making the most of feedback, positive or negative, is a crucial skill for professionals, especially those that are on the Cydcor team. In order for us to grow, we must know what we’re doing right, but also we need to know what we can improve on. It can be tough to accept feedback because it’s coming from an outside source. We’re used to doing things a certain way, and when someone says it should […]

April 17, 2015

Toxic Employee Traits That Can Slow Progress

Most people will find themselves from time-to-time not performing up to their potential. It’s usually one or two things holding them back, and with the right coaching and mentoring, they can correct their flaws. When finding these types of toxic employee traits, it’s important to realize they can be fixed. Office leaders must work with their team to get rid of these flaws and improve on overall performance. A team that focuses on ridding themselves of the following toxic employee […]

April 3, 2015

10 Things to Start Doing Today to Get More Done

Are you finding yourself with a lot less time on your hands than usual? Life can get hectic, and it’s easy for someone’s schedule to get too full. Here are a few simple tips to do today that can help anyone get more things done! Stick To a To-Do List Every morning, create a to-do list with the things that MUST be done today. Even if there are only a couple of things on the list, it’s always nice to […]

March 5, 2015

Why Authenticity Matters in Sales

“To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.” – Douglas Adams, author When you look to offer a service or product for consumption or use, you want to offer your clientele something that you believe in, and that has been created with authenticity. A well-treated customer who has been approached with care and earnestness is a customer who feels appreciated—and it is these customers that are […]

February 26, 2015

Cydcor’s Guide on Communicating More Clearly

Having clear and excellent communication skills is crucial for any business professional. A person must be able to articulate exactly what they mean if they want work to get done correctly. You may think you have a genius idea, but if you can’t articulate it well, it will be difficult for your team to jump aboard. Communicating clearly can make all facets of business a little easier. Here are a few tips to regularly communicate more concisely: Brainstorm the Idea […]

January 29, 2015

Ways to Squash Stress

When it comes to handling stress on the job, studies have found that 90% of top performers in the workplace are able to overcome negative reactions by managing their emotions in times of stress. The odd thing about stress is that it is an imperative feeling to have in order to make decisions, as our brains are wired in the way where it may be difficult for one to take action if not under at least some level of this […]

December 31, 2014

3 Traits That Can Keep You Away From Success

In a business environment, we all try to put our best foot forward when interacting with our co-workers, managers and clients. However, not everyone is immune from traits that might be off-putting, either consciously or subconsciously. In order to achieve long-term happiness and achievement, it is critical to be self-aware of not only your best traits, but also of ones that need improvement. Negative Thinking A lot of pessimists in the world consider themselves realists rather than “negative minded thinkers.” […]

December 18, 2014

Leadership Experts Share Their Best Leadership Tips

Great businessmen and women know how to lead, inspire, and motivate their team—and more importantly, they know when to seek advice. No one has all the answers, and the best leadership experts agree that they’ve honed their skills through experience, advice and mentorships with others in the biz. So what do top experts say about leadership? Michael Talve, the Founder and Managing Director of The Expert Institute: “My best leadership tip is to think of leadership as a responsibility as […]

December 10, 2014

Out-of-the-Box Motivational Tips

In a corporate environment, you might feel your creativity for motivating your team members is limited to kind words and small incentives. Traditional motivators include such things as gift cards and corporate swag like coffee cups and pencil holders. Larger incentives on the other hand, such as promotions and bonuses, tend to be in short supply. Here are some out-of-the-box incentives to offer your team members. Parking In the corporate world, especially in a heavily populated city, parking is a […]

November 20, 2014

Top TED Talks For Business

Looking for an engaging presentation to truly inspire you or your team? TED Talks are a great way to start, with speakers ranging from musicians to entrepreneurs to authors and comedians. Their slogan, “Ideas Worth Spreading,” looks to inform, engage and educate. There are nearly 2,000 TED Talks that would be considered business-centric, and Cydcor has checked into some of the top Talks, which explore the range of motivation, healthy work-play balances and how to inspire your workers. We recommend […]