Tag: Cydcor Sales

April 23, 2014

How to Lead a Successful Sales Meeting

cydcor sales meetings

In a sales-driven environment like Cydcor, meetings are powerful tools. Bringing people together to share energy and announcements is a good team. Since our business focuses so much on building personal relationships, our team members benefit from face to face communication whenever time allows. Sales meetings are the best vehicles to unite and energize your team, and make sure that important information is conveyed. So how do you conduct effective sales meetings for your business? You must start by defining […]

March 28, 2014

10 Ways to Build Trust

Cydcor how to build trust

As a leader in outsourced sales, Cydcor knows how to create winning relationships with clients. Building trust is the foundation of a sales relationship. Trust takes time, effort, honesty and hard work for clients to feel comfortable with your delivery. Even in your career, moving up at work takes the ability to build trust and sell yourself to future managers or employers. Here are some tips from the experts at Cydcor for building trust in your professional life. 1. Get […]

February 10, 2014

Send Stunning Emails to Your Client List

Cydcor Newsletter

Incorporating email marketing into your business strategy is a great way to keep track of leads, follow up with contacts, and promote your business.  An email marketing web service is a great way to send branded emails, organize your contacts and represent your vision. The Cydcor Sales blog recommends using email marketing services (Such as Constant Contact, Ace of Sales, Mail Chimp, etc.) as a way to send emails that are visually striking and keep in contact with your network. […]

February 5, 2014

Takeaways from the Biggest Advertising Day of The Year

Cydcor Super Sales Takeaways

  Everyone has friends that say, “Oh I just watch the Super Bowl for the commercials.”  Indeed, big game advertising is easily the largest ad-spending day of the year, up 70% in the last ten years.  Between production cost and airtime, one ad can cost a company $10 million to air.  As a sales company, the team at Cydcor is fascinated by the tactics companies take to build their brands, and the commercials are informative as they are fun. Here […]

January 31, 2014

5 Sales Plays You Can Make Today

Cydcor Sales Plays

The big game is this weekend, and the competitive of sports has a lot of parallels with sales.  Succeeding in both sports and sales requires strategy, winning, rewards and competing.  Whether you are looking for a career or another client, using your football fandom can help give you an edge that will help you achieve your goals.  The Cydcor team shares its favorite sales plays to attracting clients and building relationships. The Ice Breaker.  Seek out new prospects with a […]

January 16, 2014

The Secret to Sales: There is No Secret

Cydcor Sales

Cydcor is a sales company.  We send teams of professionals out into the world and drive revenue on behalf of our clients.  Sales is a competitive field, and can be prove to be daunting for many people.  At Cydcor, team members are driven through professional training, perseverance, and a fun work atmosphere.  Many sales companies to try peddle “the ultimate secret” to selling, but the real secret to a career in sales is that there is no secret.  Sales takes […]

December 4, 2013

What College Can Teach You About Sales

What College Can Teach You About Sales Many people are natural born salesmen.  Building relationships and convincing people of their side of story is something comes easily to them.  At Cydcor, we are happy to nurture young talented sales people with a gift for gab and laser focus abilities.  However, some great sales people learn their skills from the college experience, for those looking to gain a broader perspective and refine the necessary skills.  Here a few ways you can […]

May 6, 2013

Operation Smile Gala at Cipriani!

Last weekend, selected independent sales company owners from Cydcor’s network attended the Operation Smile black-tie gala at Cipriani in New York City. They had the opportunity to rub elbows with celebrities, interact with other high-level fundraisers, and celebrated their accomplishments together. It was definitely a time to be celebrated; those selected have worked tirelessly with their sales companies to creatively fundraise for the organization, using creative resources to motivate their teams and help children across the globe receive new smiles. […]

April 24, 2013

19 years and counting

Nineteen years ago, there weren’t Smart Phones or drive-thru Starbucks. But there was Cydcor. In its early days, Cydcor was a small company in Canada. Today, 19 years later, it is a thriving business that works with a network of more than 300 independently-owned sales companies across North America and 3,600 sales professionals. That’s a lot of growth! And next year, we’ll be celebrating 20 YEARS. That’s a long time. We’re already thinking about how we’re going to be commemorating our […]

March 15, 2013

Health and Wellness? YES!

Health and wellness were the names, fun was the game! Cydcor just had its first “Health and Wellness Fair” right at corporate headquarters and it was a rousing success. Our team members flocked to the various booths, which ranged from chair massage and yoga to skin care/DermaScan screening and smoking cessation. Representatives from 18 different vendors answered questions and provided valuable information. A cool raffle, baskets full of healthy snacks, and green drinks were provided as well. This health and […]