Tag: habits

January 10, 2018

8 Common Professional Body Language Mistakes To Avoid

It’s not always what you say that makes the biggest impression. Before you even open your mouth, nonverbal habits you’re not even aware of could jeopardize your ability to make a good impression, close a deal, get promoted, or earn a new customer. Professional body language is critical to any business exchange, and it’s just as important to be aware of the things you’re not saying as it is to be aware of what you are. In other words, through […]

July 21, 2017

5 Tips to Be a Beast at Sales & Customer Service

Ready to go beast mode? Beasts at sales are energetic, engaged, and capable of accomplishing just about anything! Unleashing your inner sales beast means stepping up your game to succeed at sales. Being a sales beast is a state of mind that drives you to be the best at what you do, but it also has a lot to do with how you behave and the image you project. While it’s important to trust your animal instincts, sometimes it takes […]

June 21, 2017

Why Successful Salespeople Have Grit, Not Just Talent

Grit is a mysterious and powerful mix of passion and perseverance that gives some the strength to keep going where so many others before them have given up. In fact, studies have shown that grit may outrank either intelligence or talent as an indicator of future success. Salespeople know a lot about grit. They work in a competitive business, but for those with the grit to stick with it, the rewards can be huge. The best salespeople know that grit […]

June 7, 2017

How to Always Make a Good First Impression

Studies have shown that first impressions last. That’s why it’s important to be sure people’s first impressions of you are good. And if you only have one chance to do it right, it pays to do everything you can to improve your odds. In business, a first impression can decide whether or not you get that new job, or it could help a customer choose whether they’ll buy from you or not. A poor first impression could cost you money […]

April 13, 2017

7 Reasons Being on Time Matters

Like it or not, being on time matters. In fact, it matters a lot. It communicates to others whether they can trust and rely on you. It gives others insight into how you view them and how you view yourself. Being chronically late can have countless unintended consequences, and it’s a seemingly small thing that can have a huge and lasting negative effect on your career. By contrast, learning the importance of punctuality – or being consistently on-time, or even […]