Tag: Leadership

August 14, 2014

Cydcor Trailblazers: What Makes a Leader

Dreamers and entrepreneurs are separated by one simple thing: the ability to successfully execute an idea. Assembling the right team to implement an innovative idea takes a strong leader at the helm to make it a reality. The term ‘leadership’ has various definitions, and everyone will have an opinion on the qualities a great leader should possess. However, there are universal key factors that the most successful trailblazers should have. Learn more about Cydcor  and our latest job openings on […]

July 11, 2014

How to Make Your Own Luck

A quote by Carl Zuckmayer says, “One-half is luck; the other half is discipline—and that’s the most important half, for without discipline you wouldn’t know what to do with luck.” Luck doesn’t just happen, and it’s Cydcor is a firm believer that it’s entirely possible to create your own. There are many events that happen over the course of an individual’s life that they have nothing to do with—both negative and positive occurrences. The concept of ‘luck’ is truly about […]

May 14, 2014

10 Laws of Success

cydcor success

While Cydcor knows there isn’t one way to achieve goals and become successful, there are certain truths about a successful career that remain. Especial for those choosing a career in sales, these ten laws will guide you through to generating a good income for your clients, your company, and yourself. These laws are based on classic clichés you are tired of hearing, but there is still value behind them. Fake it till you make it works as a strategy. This […]

May 13, 2014

Cydcor Reviews ‘The Personal MBA’

Here is Cydcor’s review of The Personal MBA: Master the Art of Business by Josh Kaufman. About The Personal MBA:  This is a pocket version of what you would learn in business school.  Getting an MBA is a big commitment of both time and money.  One book can’t replace an education, but The Personal MBA provides tools and resources to get you in the right direction to become a successful business leader.  Josh Kaufman founded PersonalMBA.com as an alternative to […]

May 9, 2014

Cydcor Reviews Round Up

This week Cydcor wanted to post a round-up of our favorite content on Cydcor Reviews, our book review site.  Recommended for team members by team members. Linchpin was written by marketing expert Seth Godin, who believes that finding career success today depends on learning how to market one’s self.  Linchpins are an upcoming role in the world of tech, start-ups and the age of entrepreneurship.  The linchpins are those that come up with new solutions, break the mold, and foster […]

April 23, 2014

How to Lead a Successful Sales Meeting

cydcor sales meetings

In a sales-driven environment like Cydcor, meetings are powerful tools. Bringing people together to share energy and announcements is a good team. Since our business focuses so much on building personal relationships, our team members benefit from face to face communication whenever time allows. Sales meetings are the best vehicles to unite and energize your team, and make sure that important information is conveyed. So how do you conduct effective sales meetings for your business? You must start by defining […]

March 25, 2014

Cydcor Reviews The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell

Another great book, Cydcor reviews The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell. Description of this book: Gladwell, a journalist and writer for The New Yorker magazine, is known for his comprehensive examinations of how change or success happens.  The Tipping Point is an in depth look at how ideas get made into wildly popular companies, books or trends.  Everything from television shows to teen smoking, popularity of ideas is modeled like an epidemic.  There are carriers, those that evangelize the idea […]

March 18, 2014

Cydcor reviews Delivering Happiness

Description of this book: Delivering Happiness by Zappos founder Tony Hsieh is the story of how this young man created a new kind of company.  Hsieh wanted to build a business that valued customers, employees, and investors equally.  The CEO puts a strong focus on positive company culture, operating under the theory that a good corporate culture will let everything else fall into place naturally.  A company of happy employees stay in the job longer, work harder and provide better […]

March 11, 2014

Investing in Your Career

Cydcor Career

When an entrepreneur gets an idea for a business, investments need to be made into the idea to make it a reality.  Investment is not only a reference to financial backing, but personal time, planning and energy.  At Cydcor, we believe today’s job seekers should look to entrepreneurship for inspiration on making career decisions.  Treating your resume like a business plan is the best way to create a career that is fulfilling.  Starting out can be overwhelming, so it is […]

February 19, 2014

Cydcor Reviews Lincoln by David Herbert

In honor of President’s day, Cydcor chose to review Lincoln by David Herbert to study one of America’s finest leaders throughout history. Description of this book: This biography covers the life of Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States.  Lincoln was raised in rural Indiana in a poor household.  The book follows Lincoln’s perspective as he picked himself up through poverty and through political savvy made his way into prominence quickly.  The book examines his character, his key […]