Tag: Leadership

September 22, 2016

The Best Ways to Encourage Team Loyalty

The best way to build your business is to gather a loyal team around you. If your team is solid and trusts your leadership, their productivity and morale will be high, even through the hard times. So, what can you as a leader do to encourage your team to be loyal to you? Here are some tips from the experts. Build your team’s cohesiveness Team-building activities will encourage your direct reports to feel as though they fit in with you […]

September 21, 2016

Cydcor Reviews – Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise

About Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise How do you become an expert in something? Many people believe true expertise relies on innate talent, but in Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise, authors Anders Ericsson and Robert Pool dispel that myth with compelling research. Instead, they postulate that the potential for excellence exists within most of us. We simply have to nurture and grow that expertise. Why Cydcor Recommends This Book Cydcor believes in a “work […]

September 14, 2016

8 Major Keys to Professional Success

As a professional, you’re judged by your actions, abilities, results and your attire. Your job is to represent your company and clients to the best of your ability. Cydcor prides itself in being able to set-up its employees for success, and earn their way to the top. To get the respect of both your peers and clients, there are some major key strategies to follow. The following major keys are perfect for any entrepreneur who wants to do better. Communicate […]

August 13, 2016

Cydcor Reviews Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future by Ashlee Vance

About Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future One of the more well-known faces of entrepreneurship of this decade, Elon Musk has made a name for himself with the companies he has founded. Musk is behind well-known businesses such as PayPal, Tesla Motors, SpaceX, Zip2, and Solar City, and has focused his work on helping to invent the future and push past the normal way of getting things done. Written by technology journalist Ashlee Vance, this […]

August 12, 2016

Understanding What Your Customer Wants

For anyone working in a sales environment, your relationship with your customers dictates your success. You can turn a one-time deal into lifelong business by how you acknowledge, understand and treat your customers’ needs. At Cydcor, we put an emphasis on this aspect of the job from the start. Begin by asking questions. Ask them who they are, what they want and what they expect from your business. Conduct surveys, hold events and meet-and-greets, set up customer profiles to help […]

July 27, 2016

Retail National Conference 2016 Photo Contest from Cydcor

Retail National Conference 2016 in Dallas, TX is right around the corner! In celebration of this upcoming event, Cydcor is holding a photo contest for attendees. All you have to do is post a photo on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook using the hashtag #Gone2NatCon anytime from Friday 29th (6:00AM CT) until Saturday, July 30th (8:50 PM CT), and you will be automatically entered for a chance to win $200 cash awarded on site. There will be one winner selected by […]

July 22, 2016

Best Practices for Using Twitter for Networking

Twitter was created to build social networks, support conversations and increase engagement between individuals and communities. A successful Twitter strategy requires your full participation. You need to do more than share stories about your company, product or service. A successful Twitter strategy requires that you share messages that matter. At Cydcor, we value communication skills and encourage our employees and sales associates to always tell engaging stories. Use your Twitter account to share news about your company and a bit […]

July 13, 2016

Being Resilient Is a Key Factor in Sales Success

Resilience is a skill that teaches you to transform obstacles into opportunities. It helps you to see one rejection as a small part of a bigger picture: your career. Here are four methods you can try to help you build resilience. Developing this trait is an ongoing process, but at Cydcor, we recognize its importance for both new and experienced salespeople. Celebrate Your Gifts Resilience takes practice. To develop a resilient personality, you need to celebrate your gifts. What are […]

July 7, 2016

10 Sales Quotes That Deliver Motivation

Reaching your sales goals requires a positive attitude and the ability to motivate yourself and your co-workers. At Cydcor, we believe that motivation matters. We encourage our employees and sales representatives to find strategies that improve their ability to achieve any goal. Here are some quotes to can add to your motivational toolbox. Use them when your day needs a lift. Have a Positive Outlook Begin by always expecting good things to happen. – Tom Hopkins Turn Rejections into Positives […]

June 29, 2016

Cydcor’s 2016 Retail National Conference Celebrates New Beginnings

The Cydcor 2016 Retail National Conference took place in Charlotte, North Carolina from June 21 to June 23. Cydcor was excited to welcome our attendees to this fantastic annual event. The Cydcor 2016 Retail National Conference brings together sales representatives, owners, and recruiters from across the country. It’s a priceless opportunity for attendees to network, review company goals, share best practices, and recognize our outstanding business leaders. During this year’s conference, a focus on new beginnings was put into full […]