Tag: Los Angeles

April 27, 2016

Cydcor Invites Kids to the Office to Celebrate Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day

  What do your kids think you do at work? Ours will find out this Thursday, April 28th, when Cydcor hosts the Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day program at our Agoura Hills, CA headquarters! On this day, Cydcor team members will have the opportunity to bring in their children who are between the ages of 5 and 18 so they can see how we work, where we work, and what we do at work. This is an […]

April 15, 2016

Opportunities for Finding New Clients Are Everywhere

Think about how many interactions with other people you have each day: ordering your coffee, chatting with a stranger over lunch, or meeting people on a bus on your way back home. Each interaction represents an opportunity to turn a stranger into a customer. At Cydcor, we believe that networking is crucial for finding new contacts. Here are some tips for turning connections into customers. Refine and Memorize Your Elevator Pitch The function of an elevator pitch is to communicate […]

April 2, 2016

5 Determined Entrepreneurs Who Started from the Bottom

Get motivated by the stories of these legendary entrepreneurs who started with nothing and achieved success with hard work and determination. If you take small, determined steps and focus on your goals, you will not allow anything to stand in your way to success. These 7 entrepreneurs, when faced with roadblocks, found a way to win. Let these stories of success strengthen your determination to never give up, and get you on the path toward being a great entrepreneur. Sarah […]

March 23, 2016

Cydcor Reviews The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up

About The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo Marie Kondo is a cleaning consultant from Japan. Her best-selling guide to organizing, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, is the result of years of study and experimentation. Kondo discovered her passion for tidying up when she was a child. Her book describes an early fascination with finding ways to create order out of chaos. Like Kondo, Cydcor believes that a well-organized workplace inspires creativity and increases productivity—and Kondo is a […]

March 19, 2016

The Path to Being a Great Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs need to be workers, managers, and leaders willing to work hard, take risks, and turn obstacles into opportunities. Entrepreneurs bring a mindset for success to every activity. They have an outlook that welcomes innovation and adapts quickly to new business strategies. At Cydcor, we value people with a passion for providing outstanding customer service. We also believe that a commitment to ongoing professional development is a key component to the growth of each entrepreneur. Here are some strategies that […]

March 12, 2016

Start Your Day The Night Before

The most productive part of your day happens the night before. If you set aside 10-30 minutes each night to plan for the coming day, you’ll wake up with a purpose and will be ready to act on your to priorities for the day. Developing an evening routine may not only help you get better sleep by not rushing through the morning but will also help set your day for success. It may take adjustment to find an evening routine […]

March 11, 2016

Cydcor Changes Lives in Bolivia by Funding Its 4th Medical Mission

Cydcor has funded another medical mission through Operation Smile, this time taking place in Bolivia. Cydcor volunteers will be assisting the Operation Smile team during the medical mission which will provide cleft palate surgeries for children in need. With the help of fundraising volunteers across the country, last June Cydcor raised more than $150,000 during the “Day of Smiles” fundraiser. As a result of the money raised, Cydcor was able to fund two medical missions- this one taking place in […]

February 25, 2016

10 Basic Business Skills Hacks to Boost Your Performance

10 Basic Business Skills Hacks to Boost Your Performance

Mastering basic business skills will improve your confidence and give you a can-do attitude. Use these business skills hacks to kill it in your next performance review Skills are the keys to opening doors in your career. Without them, you might never see progress or be able to make meaningful professional connections. Having the right skills for your field is an essential part of your professional development. Different skills unlock different kinds of doors—the question is, which door are you […]

December 18, 2015

The Three D’s of Leadership

Who is the best leader you’ve ever known? What qualities do you think made them successful? At Cydcor, our idea of a leader is someone who can create a vision of the future, express that vision well, and use it to motivate people. Building a team, providing coaching, and setting clear expectations are some of the things leaders need to be really good at in order for the team to work effectively. Leaders also need to master three key qualities […]

December 9, 2015

Use This Year’s Lessons To Maximize Achievement in the New Year

What worked this year? What didn’t work? These two questions provide a framework that will improve your performance in the coming year. Do you have a plan for setting and achieving goals in next year? A personal review of your past year will uncover winning strategies that deserve to be carried forward into the coming year—and those that can be left behind. Conduct an annual review of your performance at work with the following techniques. Write It Down Record your […]