Tag: sales

March 9, 2016

10 Best Blogs on Mastering Professional Development

  You have to commit to professional development to advance your career. Business professionals are eager to share their knowledge, insights, and experience–if you know where to look. Professional development improves abilities and skills through education and training. Some employers will train you on the job. Sometimes you can learn a new skill by watching people at work. On occasion, you’ll read a book or take a class. The Internet has made professional development much easier. We identified ten blogs […]

February 25, 2016

10 Basic Business Skills Hacks to Boost Your Performance

10 Basic Business Skills Hacks to Boost Your Performance

Mastering basic business skills will improve your confidence and give you a can-do attitude. Use these business skills hacks to kill it in your next performance review Skills are the keys to opening doors in your career. Without them, you might never see progress or be able to make meaningful professional connections. Having the right skills for your field is an essential part of your professional development. Different skills unlock different kinds of doors—the question is, which door are you […]

February 17, 2016

10 Tips to Help You Spring Clean Your Attitude About Work

It’s time to spring forward! Use these ten terrific tips to energize your attitude and get the most out of your workday. Consider Your Customers Your customers’ wants and needs are what matters most. Figure out what they expect and then exceed those expectations. Take the time to become extraordinary. Start with a Smile Smiles often change attitudes—your own and your coworkers’. People usually like to be around people with a happy demeanor. Think about the times when you were […]

February 11, 2016

5 Essential Strategies from Shark Tank Every Entrepreneur Must Know

In between feeding-frenzies featured on this popular television show, smart entrepreneurs can find practical business strategies. You’ll find tactics to improve day-to-day operations and invigorate long-term business plans Have you ever seen the television show Shark Tank? If you have, then you know it is both entertaining and educational. Watch the program and you’ll find strategies that will enhance your professional performance and help you make the move from employee to entrepreneur. We’ve pulled out 5 essential strategies from Shark […]

February 5, 2016

Create A Customer-Focused Mindset in Your Business

Getting close to your customers is one of the most important business strategies you can master. Learn how to change your mindset to keep the customers you have—and get new ones! As a sales professional, you live, die, and breathe for customers. Simply stating that customers are vital to your success would be a massive understatement—customers are everything! Instilling a customer-focused mindset into your employees and salespeople will keep their eyes on the ball and lead to some seriously good […]

January 22, 2016

A Positive Attitude Will Make You Better at Business

Becoming positive is a choice, a state of mind, and a feeling. Optimism is an essential component for developing a positive attitude. Have you ever had to resolve a tough situation involving an unhappy customer? If so, then you know just how important—and how game changing—having a positive attitude can be. Where pessimism would work against you, optimism helps focus your energy, find opportunities, and solutions in the face of adversity. A positive attitude is crucial for anyone who works […]

January 20, 2016

Keys to Success 2016 Destination: Austin, TX

Austin, TX is Cydcor’s destination for this year’s Keys to Success event! Held annually, Keys to Success is an opportunity for our company to define this year’s business goals. Keys to Success also helps to create excitement for the year ahead, and reinforces the best practices in our business, as well as opportunities to earn recognition. Cydcor is pleased to host both the residential Keys to Success and the B2B & Retail events from January 26th – 31st, 2016. This […]

January 19, 2016

Cydcor’s Keys to Success 2016 Photo Series Contest

We’re gearing up for Keys to Success 2016 in Austin, TX with a photo contest on Instagram! The winner will receive $200 cash. To enter this contest: 1) Share three pictures on Instagram (a creative picture holding a door key, one picture while traveling, and one at an interesting location at the Hilton hotel in Austin, TX) 2) Tag @Cydcor on all three photos 3) Include the hashtag #KTS2016 in all three photos. The contest starts on January 19th, 2016 […]

January 14, 2016

5 Top Tips to De-clutter Your Workspace and Get Back to Business

Clutter is anything that prevents you from achieving your goals, learning new skills, and getting your job done. Follow these five tips and get your clutter under control. If you’re drowning in clutter, it’s easy to be overwhelmed. Don’t go there. Clutter makes you less productive, but it’s not a reflection of your character. With a little concentration and some hard work, you can fix your clutter problem. We’ve put together five tips to finally get your mess under control.  […]

January 6, 2016

The 12 Best Quotes To Inspire Personal Excellence In 2016

As you celebrate the New Year, reflect back on the one we’re just finishing up. What were your biggest successes? Your most frustrating failures? Consider the coming months and use this year’s experiences to identify possible challenges and desired goals. After a month or two, the New Year loses some of its initial excitement and may move back into that place of hard work and routine. It’s during these times that we need support and encouragement to continue moving onward […]