Tag: sales

September 18, 2015

Cydcor Summer Internship Program 2015

Keep up with the latest company news and announcements from Cydcor by connecting with us on LinkedIn. Cydcor, the leading provider of professional in-person sales teams, provided a select group of students the opportunity of a lifetime: an internship program at Cydcor’s offices in Agoura Hills, CA. Each year, the company provides gifted students with the prospect of building business experience in a real-world corporate setting. Their assignments are designed to match their current interests or studies, such as event […]

September 16, 2015

Cydcor Reviews ‘Conscious Business’

About Conscious Business: How to Build Value through Values by Fred Kofman Consciousness plays a large role in organizational business. Building a conscious business means finding your passion and expressing your essential values through work, according to author Fred Kofman. A conscious business also continually builds a viable way to pursue happiness for many of its employees. It calls for solid performances through its community and the dignity of each shareholder. Conscious Business is the definitive resource for achieving what really […]

September 15, 2015

Finding a Mentor That’s Right For You

A mentor is a guide and counselor who provides career advice and support. This relationship—also a process—often involves a younger person seeking out the guidance of a more experienced employee or supervisor. In some cases, a mentor provides this service as way to do good or “pay it forward.” Perhaps someone in their past took the time to help them out in their career development, and to honor the kindness and help they received, they seek to share their abilities […]

September 3, 2015

R&R 2015 Photo Contest – Win $100 Cash!

Cydcor is pleased to announce a photo contest coinciding with R&R 2015 in Cancun, Mexico! To enter the photo contest, all you have to do is post a photo on Instagram or Twitter using the hashtag #RRCancun2015 anytime between Thursday, September 3rd (12:00 PM EST) until Saturday, 5th (8:59 PM EST). Upon entry, you will be automatically entered into the R&R 2015 photo contest for a chance to win $100 cash! See you at #RRCancun2015! Terms and Conditions (Instagram) Post a […]

September 2, 2015

The Importance of Rest and Relaxation

Cydcor The Importance of Rest and Relaxation

Recent research has revealed that people perform better at work and in life if we practice strategic renewal. If you’re rundown you’re more susceptible to getting sick and miss days from work. You need to get more sleep during the week, scheduling daytime workouts, eat healthy foods, and enjoy rest and relaxation away from the office with your team members whenever possible. These simple changes in behavior are guaranteed to improve your attitude about work your performance at work—and maybe […]

Cydcor’s Project Launch Inspires Success at Pacifica High School

Cydcor, the recognized leader in outsourced sales services, recently led an educational outreach experience project titled Project Launch for DECA Academy of Business students. Pacifica High School’s Academy Developing Entrepreneurial and Corporate Assets (DECA) Academy of Business is a career academy at Pacifica High School in Oxnard, CA. Cydcor introduced students to Project Launch on August 20th, continued with additional training on August 21st, and closed on August 28th with an announcement of program winners. Cydcor’s Project Launch program has […]

September 1, 2015

R&R 2015 Selfie Stick Caption Contest

R&R 2015 is coming up soon! Cydcor plans to celebrate and reward our organization’s success in Cancun, Mexico, and we’re excited for what’s in store! For starters, Cydcor is kicking off R&R 2015 with a caption contest on our Facebook Page. To participate, head to www.facebook.com/CydcorLLC , and submit an original caption in the comment section of this photo: A winner will be selected at random to win a selfie stick to take some awesome photos at R&R 2015! As such, […]

August 28, 2015

Cydcor’s Canadian Conference 2015 Photo Contest – Win $100!

Participate in Cydcor’s Canadian Conference 2015 PHOTO CONTEST for a chance to win $100! Get your cameras ready! All you need to do is tag your photo with #TheTop2015 and mention @Cydcor for a chance to win! Make sure to also tag and share with your friends! This contest will run from Friday, August 28th (2:00 PM ET) until Saturday, August 29th (8:59 PM ET). The winner will be announced on Cydcor’s Instagram and Twitter on Saturday, August 29th any […]

August 20, 2015

Choosing to Be an Authentic Optimist

Is your glass half full, or is it half empty? Before you answer this question, take a moment to think about what you’re being asked. The standard response from a traditional optimist is that the glass is half full. Pessimists also provide an expected answer and observe that the glass is half empty. But an authentic optimist, one who’s been improving his or her performance at work and in life, will simply say, “I’m thankful that I have a glass.” […]

August 18, 2015

Cydcor Reviews StrengthsFinder 2.0

About StrengthsFinder 2.0 by Tom Rath Most people like to focus on fixing their weaknesses instead of making the most out of their strengths. To help people uncover their talents, the research-based management-consulting group Gallup introduced the first version of its StrengthsFinder online assessment in 2001. StrengthsFinder helped millions find out where they truly stood out. Its sequel, StrengthsFinder 2.0, unveils a new and improved version of the popular assessment. Although it can be read once to learn a few […]